Iran its teachings to comply with the precepts of Islam is kind to ...

Pigs also eat salmon drink it!? Of Islam that has been misunderstood ...

Iran its teachings to comply with the precepts of Islam is kind to ... Pigs also eat salmon drink it!? Of Islam that has been misunderstood [halal] interpretation Anatomy of the Islamic logic] of surprise () Speaking of Islam of meal habits, it would be [if there are things that are forbidden in various ways troublesome] people to imagine the particular not only eat things] such as the strict rules in many cases. However, in practice, these rules are quite flexible and are not of such a nature that it is strictly delineated. The western society interpretation fundamentally different Islamic logic, the author "Islam of logic" by Mr. Yo Iiyama of Islamic Thought researchers (Akari), has an interesting episode is written about Islamic dietary habits . Also to drink alcohol, eat also pork noodles and sausages The basic rules for Muslim food, things that [what is forbidden (Haram) than is allowed (halal)]. Is what is forbidden, blood, pig, it is salmon. The animal flesh dead illness or accident, the meat of animals that have not been processed in a predetermined manner is, do not eat also be other than pig.

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