Iran its teachings to comply with the precepts of Islam is kind to ...

Islamic Alley | 0 date of | haunt! Add city traffic heaven: TV Tokyo

Iran its teachings to comply with the precepts of Islam is kind to ... Islamic Alley People of the Islamic world that has increased in recent years in multinational Hyakunincho. Their shopping spots are substantial. Area of ​​Japan leading to support the lives of Muslims. There is also a mosque in a multi-tenant building. [GREEN NASCO] This is the whole area dotted also shops in the halal food]. Meaning [halal] and [those that are allowed] in Arabic. Food along the precepts of Islam are aligned. [THE JANNAT HALAL FOOD] Halal food shops. Pork and alcohol are as unclean in the precepts of Islam is prohibited. Only do not sell that beef and chicken were also subjected to treatment that consistent with the precepts. In addition, a large amount of spices that are essential to the Islamic world cuisine type also rich aligned.

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